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This article was taken (with permission) from The History of Jackson, 1843-2001, published by the Jackson Historical Society.


"The first Action in Jackson community celebration was held on August 16th & 17th in 1947. The event was sponsored by the Jackson Fire Department, Jackson Sportsmen Club, S/Sgt. Henry F. Gumm American Legion Post #486, and Women's Auxiliary.  Saturday highlights included water fights between the Barton Fire Department and the Cedarburg Fire Department, and dancing at Schneider's Dance Hall to the music of the Harvey Krueger orchestra. On Sunday there was a large parade, stunt flying, and dancing at Schneider's to the music of the Gel Fisher orchestra. The first picnic was held behind the Village Hall/Fire Department building on Main Street in Jackson.

The event in 1948 was similar the the previous year but included open air dancing in the park behind the Village Hall. Sponsorship was increased to include the Badger Bowmen's Club and the Jackson Homemakers. All proceeds went to the Community Park Fund.

In 1949, Action in Jackson was held in July and the Sunday parade had an America's Dairyland theme. In 1950, the event was again held in August.

During the 1952 celebration, a devastating fire destroyed the Rockfield Canning Company, located just the south of the picnic grounds. That Sunday night saw the largest attendance to date. People wanted to see the fire damaged canning company. The theme of the 1952 Action in Jackson event was Frontier Days. Many men grew beards to add to the atmosphere. Trout fishing was featured for the first time. The person who caught the largest trout won a 12-gauge shotgun. Second prize was a fishing pole.

July 1953 was the first time the picnic was held in the new park. With more space available, the picnic added an expanded number of carnival rides.

From 1953 to 1967, Action in Jackson picnics were held in July, but in 1968 and 1969 they were moved to June because of scheduling conflicts with the carnival ride operators.

Celebrating its 25th anniversary, July 1972 Action in Jackson featured "The Largest Beer Garden Ever."

In 1974 Action in Jackson became a three day event. From 1975 through 1978, there was a Miss Action in Jackson.

In 1979 and 1980, the picnic featured an Action in Jackson Beer in a special, decorated can that was sold by Jackson Parks, Inc. The 1981 and 1982 picnics featured a Western Day there.

In 1987 the Village celebrated its 75th anniversary and the Jackson Lions Club dedicated a new shelter in the park. In 1992, the picnic was held in May in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the Jackson Fire Department. The 1996 picnic saw the first Music Festival Parade with reserved bleacher seats selling for $3.00 each The 1997 event was the 50th anniversary of Action in Jackson.

The 1999 Action in Jackson was a three-day rainout.

In 2000, with a theme of Jackson Days are Here Again, and 2001, with a theme Families in Action were very successful.

In 2002, Action in Jackson will celebrate 55 years of community, family, festival picnic and parade."



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